Regarding pests, few can be more irritating than fire ants. Their actual name is fire ants. Fire ants are very aggressive and aren’t afraid to sting those close to their dwellings. These dwellings, of course, can be located directly in your backyard. Dealing with a red ant issue can be important, especially if you have children or pets. Many homeowners find themselves stumped as to how to address this common issue. Does that sound like you as well? Read on, and we will walk you through everything you should know about how to control red ants.

How To Control Red Ants: Knowing Infestation Signs

For efficient and quick ant control Abbotsford, learning how to pinpoint them is important. It is possible to identify their presence by knowing the major signs of infestations. A few of the common ones are:

Visible Mounds

If the red ants establish colonies outdoors, you can notice their presence by seeing distinctive mounds. They are visible in grassy places, fields, as well as gardens. Hence, they have a unique structure and shape of bumps, making it easy for a person to identify them.

Incidents of Stinging

Continuously experiencing incidents of stings is another common indicator of a fire ant’s presence. And if these painful bits are common daily, their population is growing. Their bites can be painful, swell up, and cause allergic reactions.

Damaged Landscape

Noticing a damaged landscape is a warning sign to take measures of ant removal New Westminster immediately. By tunneling through the ground, they can damage plants as well as scenery. Inspect the plants whose roots are broken or are wilting. These are all major signs of fire ant activity.

About Physical Characteristics And Nesting Habits

Let’s talk about the physical characteristics of red ants! They are brownish-red insects, small in size with a darker middle. Queens are roughly 1/3 of an inch long; workers range from 1/8 to 1/4. Though small in scale, these insects are harmful based on their biting power. Hence, their bites can be painful, causing allergic reactions. Therefore, taking immediate action for ant control Surrey is important to eliminate them for good. They build dome-shaped, big mounds in the ground, different from the other ant species. Their hills can get tall and turn into a small volcano shape.

How Do Their Bites Look Like?

We have been talking a lot about how painful their bite is. But what do the bites look like? Once they bite, they leave black to red marks, turning into a lump shape within a few hours. It is raised from the rest of your skin. Soon, the skin will turn white to light pink, and a small dark red band patch will appear all over the bite. Washing the area with soap and water will help to prevent irritation and swelling. Use any therapeutic lotion, including hydrocortisone cream as well as calamine lotion. Refrain from touching the area for a few hours till the raised area does not settle down.

Quick Tips To Control Fire Ants Infestation

After collecting all the basic details about these tiny insects, let’s discuss the preventive measures for quick ant removal Burnaby. Highlighted below are a few important tips:

Clean And Dry Yard Areas

It is important to keep the outdoor yard space properly cleaned and dry. Remove wood piles, leaves, and extra water around pool areas. Maintain a proper draining system of the garden to avoid the collection of damp regions. Keep the grass length short and neat to make it less appealing for the fire insects.

Seal All Entry Points Around the House

Insects are so tiny they can easily draw into your home through small holes, cracks, as well as gaps around windows or doors. The best solution for ant control Langley is to seal all those holes with caulking or weather stripping. This will hence block their access to your living areas, closet, or kitchen space.

Storing Food in Airtight Containers

Storing the food in airtight containers is another important tip to follow. They are always drawn to sugary substances or greasy food options. Place them all in containers that are in proper sealing form. Avoid leaving the pet food open overnight. Meanwhile, get rid of spills and bits right away. Keeping your kitchen and pantry free from extra food spills will avoid their entrance.

Creating Physical Barriers Around Property

The idea of creating physical barriers can also show great results. This can prevent the pests from invading your private space. Use sand and gravel along garden beds, pathways, as well as foundations. These materials hence help to deter their movement and colonization. Refresh the barriers regularly to maintain effectiveness.


  1.     Why do a lot of red ants swarm together?

They talk to each other through pheromones. If they ever feel threatened or to let other members know about food sources, they give signals by swarming.

  1.     Is there a queen-red ant?

Yes, in every colony, there is a queen and a worker. The queen is responsible for laying eggs; workers care for the eggs and search for food sources.

  1.     Are they good for the environment?

The presence of these tiny insects can be quite annoying. But they also help to break down organic matter, let the earth breathe, and keep other insects in check.

  1.     Can they live outside when it’s cold? 

They are not very active during the cold months of winter. But still, they can survive by staying indoors in warm places or digging deep holes.

  1.     How can I keep them out of my house?

The two best solutions to keep them out of the house are sealing entry points and storing food in airtight containers. Keeping the moisture away can also help to deter them.

Professional Ant Control With Long-Term Solutions

Noticing the presence of red ants in a huge population inside the home can be extremely annoying. They are not just contaminating food; their bite can be painful, causing allergic reactions. Hiring professional services from ASM Pest Control is the go-to solution to free your house from the attack of dangerous fire ants. We inspect the property to identify those areas where their nesting is commonly visible. Eco-friendly and natural methods are used for elimination and are safe for your family and environment. Let’s join hands to make your property insect-free against all dangers.